English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


18 January 2005

A mountain rescue team has been refused a grant as it does not rescue enough asylum seekers, elderly, disabled, or ethnic minorities.

The volunteers had applied for a £200,000 grant to build an emergency response base. But they were told that they did not meet ‘the needs of those at greatest disadvantage in society’. They were then told who constituted disadvantaged in modern Britain.

The grant was refused by a regional committee of the Community Fund, which stated that the application did not fulfil the criteria for he large grants programme, which was meeting the needs of those at most disadvantage.

The Community Fund is being wound up due to its past obsession with asylum seekers and a whole host of politically correct nonsense. It is now being replaced with the Big Lottery Fund, which insisted that the rescue team’s application had been turned down on its merits.