English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


28 February 2005

Hans Bury, Germany’s Europe Minister, has described the new EU constitution as ‘the birth certificate of the United States of Europe’ (USE). He went on to say that: ‘It is not the end point of integration, but the framework for - as it says in the preamble - an ever closer union’.

By so saying, Hans Bury has nicely exposed the lie, being put about by Jack Straw, that the treaty would be the end of the transfer of power to the EU. The treaty was ‘thus far and no further’ he has recently said.

Those who are in favour of this treaty, can be under no illusion as to what they are advocating. The degree of power already ceded to the EU, and the power which will be ceded if the UK agrees to this treaty, will essentially lead to the abolition of the UK as an independent nation state.