English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


New rules which make it harder for foreigners to marry in register offices have led to a fall of up to 60% in the number of weddings in some parts of London. The scale of the fall indicates that as many as 18,000 sham marriages had been taking place in London alone each year.

The purpose of the sham marriages is to exploit the immigration rules and allow immigrants to stay in the UK. Once married the immigrants are able to claim full residency rights. Fixers have been able to charge up to £5,000 to arrange a sham marriage.

Meanwhile it has recently been reported that, at the current level of deportations, it will take 21 years to return all failed asylum seekers to their own countries. This is based on the government’s conservative estimates. How long it would take to deport all illegal immigrants is unknown.

So long as illegal immigrants know that they will not be deported, they will keep on coming