English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Monday, May 02, 2005


For those who have been canvassing in the general election campaign, 2 items stand out.

Firstly, people are well aware of the West Lothian Question and are angry about it. They are well aware that they are being ripped-off. This includes traditional Labour voters too - even ex-miners. To a lesser extent, they are aware of the Barnett Formula which is fleecing them and subsidising Scotland and Wales. But those who are not aware of this, very quickly grasp the fact when confronted with it.

Secondly, there is the issue of immigration. Once again, even traditional Labour supporters are angry at what is happening and need no prompting before giving their views, which are very forthright. Immigration is a more important factor at this election than it has been at any election since the 1970s.

More generally, there is widespread disaffection with Labour - even amongst its traditional supporters. ‘He’s a liar’, is one comment which spills out regarding Tony Blair. The Iraq war, and the manner in which Labour lied to con us into it, is not just a matter for anoraks.

‘He’s never had a proper job’, or, ‘He’s never got his hands dirty in his life’, are the type of comments being used to describe Labour candidates. Again, these are comments from traditional Labour voters, including ex-miners.

There is also disaffection with the main parties in general. ‘There all the same’ is a well used comment of the 3 main parties. The voters do not believe any of them.

However, none of this is reflected by the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation. ‘The Politics Show’ at 12pm, in the regional section, had a group of people from Doncaster giving their views on the issues which mattered the them. The first person interviewed launched into a speech as to how wonderful Labour had been for Doncaster, and this was endorsed by the others - although one student was concerned about 3rd World debt. The token Tory, a businessman, did not criticise Labour even once nor voice any support for the Conservative Party.

Doncaster, a traditional Labour stronghold, has been mired in the ‘Donnygate’ corruption scandal.

Nor did the Question Time audience on Thursday raise even one question to Tony Blair about immigration - although they were very aggressive towards Michael Howard on the issue.

However, Tony Blair did get himself into trouble over the NHS. The English Rights Campaign will deal with this matter shortly.