English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Friday, July 22, 2005


The extent of British tolerance and even promotion of Muslim extremism is typified by the looming visit of Tariq Ramadam to the UK.

He is yet another of those who has been endorsing/excusing suicide bombings and terrorism. When asked if car bombings against US forces in Iraq were justified, he replied: ‘Iraq was colonised by the Americans. Resistance against the army is just’.

When asked if killing civilians was justified, he replied: ‘In Palestine, Iraq, Chechnya, there is a situation of oppression, repression and dictatorship. It is legitimate for Muslims to resist fascism that kills the innocent’.

Ramadan has been banned from both the USA and France. Nevertheless, not only is he being allowed into the UK, but his visit is being funded by a £9,000 grant from the Metropolitan police and the Association of Chief Police Officers.

Presumably, this is a case of the police celebrating diversity. The thing is they are supposed to be conducting a war on terror.