English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


This time it is a case of: “I’m NOT all right, Jock.”

The latest outbreak of purported racism which has thrown the race zealots of the British Inquisition into an apoplectic fit has occurred in Scotland between Mr Danny Meikle, a Labour councillor in south Lankarkshire, and a Welsh constituent, Mr Tecwyn Thomas.

Mr Thomas has claimed that he was subjected to ‘a torrent of foul language’ from Mr Meikle when they got into an argument about the disposal of English sewage on Scottish land.

Mr Thomas has lived in Mr Meikle’s ward for the last 3 years.

At Lanark sheriff court, Mr Thomas claimed that he and a friend had visited Mr Meikle’s surgery to ask about a letter to which he had not received a reply. Mr Thomas claimed that Mr Meikle had said that he ‘wouldn’t answer any of your fucking letters, boyo’ and: ‘You don’t fucking frighten me, boyo’.

Mr Meikle told the court that he had sworn at Mr Thomas and his friend as they refused to leave his surgery: ‘I asked them to fuck off. I asked them to leave on two occasions but they wouldn’t. I then asked, ‘What word did you not understand? Was it the fuck off or the boyo?’

The use of the term ‘boyo’ was held to be racist. Mr Thomas was fined £750 and is now having to consider his position as a councillor due to the councillor’s code of ethics.

It would seem that using the term ‘fuck off’ is acceptable, but the use of the term ‘boyo’ is not.

Mr Hugh McLachlan, a reader in law and social sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University, has advised that people should now be careful using terms such as Jock, Mick, Taffy or Scouser: ‘If “boyo” is racist, people should be careful of using the word “Jock”.’

Needless to say, the English Rights Campaign will not be taking any notice of this nonsense.