English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Thursday, October 20, 2005


The Hull City Council’s Corporate Equality Unit has issued a diktat setting out those words deemed to be offensive. This list includes such terms as: ladies, senior citizens, elderly, immigrants, disabled and infirm.

Terms such as duck, luvvie, love, flower, darling and dear are also banned, as are sweetheart and lassies.

In Hull, women must be referred to as ‘women’ only, and other terms are banned.

The phrase ‘mentally handicapped’ is banned. The politically correct term is: ‘people who experience mental or emotional distress’.

All these terms are treated as being on a par with more offensive terms such as dyke or nigger.

A council spokesman said that terms such as love and pet were commonly used in the north of England and conceded that:

'There is obviously a world of difference between these terms, and the council accepts these should not have been banded together under one catch-all heading of unacceptable.’

A liberal democrat councillor, Carl Minns, has described the diktat as ‘political correctness gone mad’.

Unfortunately for Mr Minns, the term ‘mad’ is banned too.