English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Monday, December 19, 2005


‘Seldom in the course of European negotiations has so much been surrendered for so little.’

William Hague [the ex-Tory leader and new Tory shadow foreign secretary], commenting on the outcome of the recent EU summit.

The outcome for the UK is appalling. Tony Blair has simply agreed to forego not only more than £1billion per annum of the British rebate, but has also agreed to pay more over to the EU in the first place. The combined cost will lead to a 63% higher net payment in the period 2007-2013 than in the last 7 year period.

The total net cost being £40billion [ie a £15billion increase] over 7 years.

This increase is being funded by the English taxpayer - Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are all in deficit. It is English taxpayer’s money which Tony Blair is giving away.