English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Sunday, June 25, 2006


The Liberal Democrat Bournemouth council recently announced that they would not be flying the Union Flag at the town hall on the Queen’s birthday as, allegedly, there were no staff available to hoist it.

However, no such staffing problems were encountered when it came to the decision to fly a rainbow flag for a gay pride festival, the Bourne Free Pride Festival, to be held next month.

David Clutterbuck, a Tory councillor, protested:

‘This is not only an insult to the Queen but is an insult to the public. To say they had nobody around to do it is nonsense. I would have gone down there and raised it myself.

I have no objection to raising a rainbow flag for the gay pride event. But you can’t five it more importance or priority over another occasion, especially when it is the Queen’s birthday.

I am sure people will accuse me of being homophobic and a bigot but I am not. This is political correctness gone mad.’

Only the politically correct would condemn the comments of Mr Clutterbuck as being bigoted. Most ordinary people would recognise a Lib Dem loony left council for what it is.

John Midgley, a spokesman for the Campaign Against Political Correctness, said:

‘It seems a pitiful excuse not to fly the Union Flag.’