English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Last week witnessed the insidious extent of the British Inquisition. There was the anti-English banning of the St George’s Day parade by the Labour Sandwell council. They explained that they were allocating an increase in funding to support a Party in the Park instead. They alleged that the parade would have created an ‘unhealthy atmosphere’ and ‘tribal excitement’. In other words, the parade had been dropped as it might attract those with political views that Labour might disagree with.

It was also announced that Prince Harry is to be sent on an army diversity course, as a result of comments he made in a video he made [see English Rights Campaign item dated 6 February 2009]. Philip Davies MP said:

‘This is a complete waste of time and money. A huge industry has mushroomed to cash in on diversity and equality.’

A more vindictive example of the British Inquisition was the news that a school receptionist faces the sack following her daughter discussing heaven and hell to a classmate. Jennie Cain’s daughter, Jasmine, had been told off by a teacher and had come home in tears. The teacher had said that Jasmine ‘couldn’t talk about Jesus‘. Mrs Cain, who works at the school, sent a private email to 10 Christian friends asking them to pray for the families and the school:

‘I asked them to please pray for us, please pray for Jasmine, please pray for the school and pray for the church.’

A copy of this email found its way to the headmaster and Mrs Cain is now being investigated for professional misconduct.

The British Inquisition’s determination to suppress the truth was demonstrated by the news that Labour had tried to bully and discredit the Office for National Statistics [ONS] with a whispering campaign after it had released data revealing the surge in the number of non-British born people working here. The ONS’s report showed that the number of foreign workers had increased by 214,000 to 3.8million in the year to December. At the same time, the number of British born workers in work fell by 278,000 to 25.6million. Labour MPs had accused the ONS of trying to embarrass Gordon Brown over his pledge of ‘British jobs for British workers’.

As the general election draws ever closer, then the level of persecution and smears are likely to increase.