The recent collapse in law and order, followed by its eventual reinstatement, is the direct and inevitable consequence of the culture of criminality which has been promoted by the British ruling class. In 2006, even David Cameron was speaking out in support of hoodies who had been barred from the Bluewater Shopping Centre; they had been banned because hoodies had been using their hoods to hide their identities while committing crimes [see the English Rights Campaign item dated the 16 July 2006].
More devastating is the judiciary's open promotion of promotion of serious criminality. Judges have grandstanded their so-called human rights credentials in order to keep immigrant murderers, rapists, drug-dealers etc. in this country and not deport them back to their own countries. This last week, one illegal immigrant drug-dealer, who has already been deported twice before and has been using fake identities and false passports, had his sentence lowered specifically in order to help him stay here and not be deported again. Furthermore, there is the constant stream of English taxpayers' monies being funnelled into organised crime via the immigration system. The majority of illegal immigrants enter this country with the assistance of organised crime [Tony Blair told the European Parliament that: 'It is estimated that 70% of illegal immigrants have their passage facilitated by organised crime groups'] and their ability to stay here, even when their illegal presence is exposed, merely provides a good living for organised crime and an incentive for further people smuggling. Scotland Yard has even employed terrorists [see the English Rights Campaign item dated the 18 December 2008].
Recently, Lambeth council spent scarce resources to celebrate the Brixton Riots of 1981 as being the 'Brixton Uprising':
'To mark the 30th anniversary of the 1981 Brixton Uprising there will be a special event held at Windrush Square and Brixton Tate library on Sunday 10th April, 2011. Starting at 12 noon in Windrush Square and then from 1pm inside Brixton Tate library, the event will hear first hand witness accounts from members of the public on the Uprising, performances from special guests including LINTON KWESI JOHNSON, moving images and sound clips from radio and news archives, photographic stills on display and an opportunity for the public to relate their own testimonies of the Uprising to be recorded and archived by the Black Cultural Archive.'
Linton Kwesi Johnson is a Jamaican ‘dub poet’, whose work contains graphic descriptions of alleged police brutality during the 1980s, including one entitled ‘Ingland is a Bich’. No doubt a revisionist history of the recent looting will portray the looters as oppressed freedom fighters.
The tolerance of open vote rigging has corrupted our democracy. The dishonesty of the constituency boundaries and the open constitutional fix of the devolution imposed on England against the English breeds contempt. The less said of the dishonesty and criminality of British politicians and their expenses the better.
Economically, we do not have an economic policy. We have a banking policy. Bankers, who have laid waste our economy, continue to live the millionaire lifestyle courtesy of the English taxpayers' monies used to bail them out. The banks are not lending to small businesses and have not passed on the low interest rates. The coalition is happy for the banks to profit from charging excessive interest rates and refuse to insist that the national interest, and the interests of ordinary people, come first.
The Tory/Liberal Democrat coalition government's priority is to dramatically expand the size of the overseas aid budget, despite overseas aid being used to make payments to the families of suicide bombers in Palestine and despite the disappearance of aid money into corrupt politicians bank accounts and property portfolios. The president of the Democratic Republic of Congo owns no less than 16 of the most luxurious flats and houses in Paris! Aid to Rwanda is to be increased by 57% despite the president's repression of political opponents and despite a UN report detailing the appalling war crimes committed by the Tutsi army.
The Tory/Liberal Democrat coalition government is not satisfied with lavishing English taxpayers' monies on British banks, but have likewise made substantial handouts to Irish banks and to bail out the Eurozone, even though we are not a member of it. Our economy is haemorrhaging more than £3billion a year as Polish immigrants send monies back to Poland. Immigrants are taking 3 in 4 of all new jobs, a trend that has increased under the Tory/Liberal Democrat coalition government.
Meanwhile, the hapless David Starkey has found himself a victim of the British Inquisition for have the temerity to refer to Enoch Powell and to suggest that 'a substantial section of chavs … have become black. A particularly sort of violent, destructive, nihilistic gangster culture has become the fashion'. Starkey's contrasted this fashion with a more responsible attitude held by the majority. Needless to say, the British Inquisition has condemned Starkey as being racist.
As with the terror attacks, there will be some huffing and puffing from the British ruling class, nothing lasting will be done, and then it will be a return to business as usual. Ordinary people will continue to lose their jobs due to the policy of mass immigration; David Cameron has previously stated that he considers immigrants pouring into England to take jobs as 'a good thing' [see the English Rights Campaign item dated the 16 October 2006].
David Cameron has pronounced that we not only have a broken society, but that part of it is 'sick'. But what has caused this sick element? English society used to be settled and peaceful. It is the onslaught of political correctness that has caused the breakdown in our society. The riots and looting we have witnessed are the true face of political correctness, which David Cameron thinks is a good thing as it encourages politeness [see the English Rights Campaign item dated 15 November 2005].
It is the political correctness of the British ruling class that needs to be confronted and there are no signs of that happening. It is the British ruling class that is sick.