The death of Margaret Thatcher has raised certain issues that are relevant to Britain's continued decline and the ideological battles that lie ahead if that decline is to be reversed.
The most striking issue is the pure hatred that has spewed out from the Left. The Yobbo Left have sought publicity for their death parties and have tried to demonize both Lady Thatcher and her legacy. Meanwhile, the Snooty Left have wrinkled their noses at the traditional conservative values that Lady Thatcher represented and have condemned Lady Thatcher as being a 'divisive' figure. The Snooty Left have used their dominance of the television news output – not only that of the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation – to give publicity to the death parties. One prominent reporter referred to the 'spontaneous' street parties that she alleged had occurred. These 'parties' are by no means spontaneous and have been planned by the Yobbo Left for quite some time – many years in fact.
The reaction to Lady Thatcher's demise proves two main things. Firstly, in a country of 60million or so, there are always bound to be a few hundred or even a few thousand malcontents and extremists who can be relied upon to spew out their bile on the internet or on the streets. Secondly, that Lady Thatcher did not defeat Marxism. She defeated classical Marxism. She was blind to the threat of cultural Marxism. The Tory party remains blind to the threat from cultural Marxism – more commonly known as political correctness – not only because the Tories misunderstand what it is, as was demonstrated by Kenneth Clarke's misrepresentation of a supposed new post-Thatcherite consensus on Question Time last week, but also because they themselves accept political correctness as being the basis of morality. David Cameron is openly politically correct.
An objective analysis of the Thatcherite legacy is a perfectly in order. One can examine the wisdom of the Monetarist policies pursued in the early 1980s and the manner of their implementation; the relations with the EU and the scale of powers which the Thatcher governments handed over before they started complaining at the consequences of their own actions; and the social consequences of the economic changes that Lady Thatcher and her governments brought about. One might also examine the accuracy of the belief among Thatcherites that they achieved as much as they claimed to have done. In many ways they failed to halt Britain's decline and serious problems were allowed to continue – immigration being one obvious example. That the Loony Left, the politically correct, now dominate society and even the Tory Party while the Thatcherites and Lady Thatcher herself were held by the British ruling class as being not fit for polite society proves that the Thatcherites failed in many serious respects. The hegemony of political correctness means that in the long run the Thatcherites lost and the cultural Marxists won.
It is political correctness that now dominates the television reporting of Lady Thatcher's death. What the Left is aiming for is not only to re-write the history of the 1980s but also to impose a false history of today, with allegedly spontaneous street parties to celebrate the end of Lady Thatcher's life, that she was so reviled.
In fact Lady Thatcher led the fight to retake this country from the grip of extremist union power and make the country governable again. She implemented a series of reforms and deregulation that tackled the inertia that had bedevilled Britain. She worked closely with Ronald Reagan to win and end the Cold War. And she led an intellectual rejection of the prevailing Keynesian orthodoxy that had been responsible for much of the strife and stagflation that had gripped Britain. These achievements necessitated a hard-headed approach that rejected received wisdom and the notion of the orderly management of decline. It necessitated confrontation.
Political Correctness is not the basis of morality. Like all forms of communism, it is evil [the death parties are evidence of the degree of evil – it does not take much imagination to realise that the next step from celebrating the death of political rivals is to actually kill them]. The existence of death parties and the media's false reporting of them demonstrates the willingness of the extremists to resort to violence. Every communist state has been built on genocide. More than 100million people were killed by communists in various famines and genocides in the 20th century.
Political Correctness does not promote tolerance, it promotes hatred and the destruction of our society by all means possible. Police investigations of a teenage girl concerning a few internet postings when she was a child is not tolerance; the funding of organised crime to smuggle immigrants into this country and the refusal to deport rapists, paedophiles, murderers [even those who have committed genocide in the own countries], extremists and terrorists is not human rights; the determination to enforce a redefinition of marriage is not family values; penalising those mothers who wish to stay at home to raise their children is not freedom of choice.
There is nothing stopping those who extol the virtues of Marxism to take off to the peace-loving communist state of North Korea, which no doubt would be able to accommodate them in a camp somewhere.
It was the EU that sparked the Tory revolt against Lady Thatcher. That division within the Tories remains to this day and one of its legacies is the rise of Ukip. Ukip has been attracting support both in membership and in votes. It remains to be seen whether it can make the necessary breakthrough in Westminster elections.
In the coming days the cultural Marxists will seek to despoil Lady Thatcher's reputation and her achievements. The politically correct will try to impose their own contrived version of history as it is being made. That must be rejected with the same determination with which Lady Thatcher fought classical Marxism in the 1980s.