English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Wednesday, May 06, 2015


From an English nationalist perspective, the dilemma is to decide which party to vote for in the May 2015 general election. None of the main parties are prepared to address those issues that adversely continue to affect the English.


The Tory/Liberal Democrat coalition government has been adept in taking credit for there being some economic growth – not least because of the scale of the bank pay-outs to compensate customers for their malpractice; and also because of the fall in the price of oil. However, the government have not rebalanced the economy and deep economic problems persist, in particular the increasing size of the balance of trade deficit. The government deficit has not been eliminated and a whole host of lavish spending policies have been promised during the election campaign.


Instead, the coalition government has concentrated on politically correct issues, including so-called green issues, massively increasing foreign aid, maintaining membership of the EU, mass immigration, gay rights etc. This all simply goes to prove that the Tory/Liberal Democrat coalition government is comprised of a couple of Trendy Toffs leading a motley collection of political dandies for whom political correctness is the latest fashion. The Labour Party is at least as bad.


Voting for the major parties carries the certainty of more of the same. There is a pressing need for a realignment on the right of British politics.


Even if comprehensive change for Britain is not possible, it is important that there is at least some change for the better. The EU remains a major stumbling block and its problems, both economic and political, are serious. It is vital that Britain faces up to the reality that continued membership is hostile to British interests and the only option is to leave if we are to regain our sovereignty and thus our ability to govern ourselves. There may be a referendum on the EU issue in the next few years, especially if yet more powers are due to be handed over. The choice is thus:









If you have no confidence that either of the above two will lead this country to freedom from the EU, with all the economic and political benefits that that would entail, then vote UKIP.