English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


21 January 2005

A report by Dr Paetchter, a reader in education at the University of London, has condemned the current school curriculum was too male-dominated and that cookery lessons should be reintroduced and made compulsory for boys as well as girls.

The report also called for the need to break down the traditional gender barriers by for example, forcing boys to take dancing lessons and girls being forced to play football.

The report’s views have been supported by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, which published the report.

The decline in cookery started under the Thatcher government when home economics was absorbed into design and technology classes and became known as food technology.

The report stated that ‘we need to find ways of demonstrating that this gender marking is not necessary, that everyone can take part in all aspects of the curriculum’.

In other words, that our children will be forced to behave in a way consistent with Marxist/feminist ideology.