English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


2 February 2005

With a name described as ‘posh’ in one BBC report, Veritas launched itself onto an unsuspecting world today. One presumes that the name will appeal to the more upmarket and discerning voter.

The leader, Robert Kilroy-Silk (RKS), who had recently quit the UK Independence Party, began the party’s claim to fame by stating that Britain was being ‘stolen’ by mass immigration and further attacked the concept of multi-culturalism.

In a television interview, he replied that he did not know whether or not there were too many immigrants entering the country, and pointed out that 50,000 might be enough for this year and that for next year it might be none.

When he was in UKIP guise, he was happy to concede that perhaps 100,000 immigrants per annum was OK. Although he clearly had to toe the UKIP line a few weeks ago.

The straight talking party, which tells the truth, has yet to decide what the truth is regarding immigration. The Veritas immigration policy will be revealed in a few weeks time - or so they said.