English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


28 January 2005

A class of 8 year old schoolchildren, at the Penmorfa primary school in Wales, were reduced to tears as a result of bullying which had been organised and encouraged by teachers as a part of ‘prejudice day’.

The children were split into 2 groups, one of which wore white T-shirts and the other wore yellow. Those in yellow, who outnumbered those in white by 2 to 1, were given special privileges. Those in white were picked on and called names.

The purpose of this was to teach children what it feels like to be discriminated against.

Using primary schoolchildren to act out the politically correct (ie communist) theories of teachers is typical of the zealotry and intolerance of those who dare to lecture us on morality. This kind of zealotry needs to be stamped out if the UK is to return into being a free country.