English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Monday, March 07, 2005


One certainty which will follow a Labour victory at the coming general election, is that there will be a major intensification of the British Inquisition. Labour’s plans, outlined last Thursday, include new equality legislation and the creation of a major new quango: The Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR).

We are currently witnessing what the politically correct understand to mean by human rights, and it is merely a guise for political correctness. Socialists/communists have been spouting about equality for most of the 20 century and it is as poisonous now in practice as it always has been.

The new quango will promote so-called equal rights for women, ethnic minorities, the disabled, the elderly, homosexuals, transexuals, various religious groups, and belief groups! It would seem that the minorities will be the majority.

The intention is that the CEHR will replace the existing equalities bodies, such as the so-called Commission for Racial Equality (CRE). But Trevor Philips has objected and has been assured that the CRE will continue in place until 2009. In which case we may be subject to the both the CEHR and the CRE at the same time - hardly something to look forward to!

Currently, Trevor Philips is reported to be heading a £400,000 ‘Equalities Review’.

The CEHR has been promised an annual budget of £200million.