English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Needless to say, in these politically correct times, it is all very exciting to have late pub opening hours for the Chinese new year, or St Patrick’s Day, or the Hindu festival of Diwali - but it is absolutely out of the question that a publican should have an extra hour of opening time for St George’s Day.

The landlord, Tony Bennett, who asked for such an extension for the Otter Pub in Thorpe Marriott near Norwich, had his application refused by local magistrates. The magistrates pronounced that there was nothing special about St George’s Day.

This is despite Mr Bennett producing evidence or hundreds of letters and emails supporting his application.

Previously Mr Bennett had been granted an extension of his opening hours to celebrate the Chinese new year without question.

Mr Bennett said: ‘St George’s Day has been celebrated for hundreds of years. It’s only in recent years that political correctness has allowed us to slip into not celebrating it. I’m a patriotic man who is proud of our country and wants to celebrate St George’s Day. I will not give up that fight. This is not the end of the campaign to have St George’s Day officially recognised’.