English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


The latest news is that the Dutch have rejected the new EU constitution by a margin of 62% to 38%.

This is a decisive vote which comes closely on the heels of the 55% to 45% rejection by the French.

However, it is quite clear that the EU technocrats are intent on trying to get the treaty implemented, one way or another, and are pressing other countries to continue with the ratification process.

Either this drive to an EU constitution is dead and buried, or else the British should hold their own referendum immediately. We cannot be left in limbo while those committed to the creation of a United States of Europe try to slide the provisions of an EU constitution in by the back door.

Since Dutch unemployment has doubled since 2001 and the country is in a slump, it is hardly surprising that the Dutch are now far more distrustful of the blandishments they are told about the EU. The consequences of the UK’s own entanglement with the ERM should be sufficient in itself to provoke a similar response here.