English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Slovakia has hit upon a new way to solve their unemployment difficulties. They are using EU grants to pay their long term unemployed to emigrate into neighbouring countries.

The scheme, called Jobs Abroad, currently only involves emigration to Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic. However, a spokesman has admitted: ‘If it is a success, we will extend it to other countries further afield - such as the United Kingdom’.

Austria is complaining. The Austrian Chancellor, Wolfgang Schussel said: ‘I thought it was a joke when I was told what they were doing’.

Slovakia has an unemployment rate of 17.5%.

Slovakian officials said that they were responding to foreign firms’ requests for new staff. Anyone who has been unemployed for more than 3 months can apply for a free ticket to another country.

The Austrian Social Democrat MP Doris Bures said: ‘They are just taking a problem they have been unable to solve and shifting the burden of responsibility to another country’.

No doubt there will soon be many more Slovak immigrants heading our way.