English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Friday, September 23, 2005


Ann Quayle, an expectant mother, was forced to go private after she was told by a midwife that her husband would be unable to stay with her overnight in an NHS hospital, as it would be offensive to Muslim women.

Instead Miss Quayle, who is 44 and had suffered 2 miscarriages, took out a credit card loan to fund private treatment costing £10,000. She said:

‘I accept that religion and culture should be catered for but so should my needs. If we’re supposed to be a multicultural society, we don’t need people spouting this kind of nonsense.’

She further stated:

‘I was disappointed to have to go private. I pay my taxes and I feel I have paid to have my baby on the NHS. I am a huge supporter of the NHS. My mother is an NHS nurse.

My axe to grind is that my husband staying with me would not have cost a penny.’

The Royal Free Hospital in London denied the allegation and claimed that they were unable to accommodate partners until labour starts and the woman is transferred to a labour ward. A spokesman said:

‘We don’t know whether anyone made any comments about the religious or cultural needs of other patients but certainly that would not be an appropriate comment. It was not the reason that Miss Quayle’s husband could not stay the night.’