English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Despite the war on terror, Sir Ian Blair has not forgotten his priorities. The Metropolitan police have donated £3,125 to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender [LGBT] History Month, of which both the departments of Education and Health are also sponsors.

The Metropolitan police headquarters were further used to host a reception for the LGBT History Month campaigners back in November.

The LGBT History Month campaign is to take place in February. The aim is for all schoolchildren to be subjected to lessons dealing with homosexuality and ‘gender variance’. Lessons for primary schoolchildren involve children writing sex and swear words on the blackboard. For older children, there are lessons in ‘gender variance’ which claim that ‘people are not always simply male or female’ and that 1% of the public have ‘intersex variations’.

The campaign is run by activists associated with the Schools Out organisation of homosexual teachers.

Publicity material states:

‘History has conspired to keep our lives hidden. Often in correcting this we rely to some degree on circumstantial evidence.’

In other words, they intend to invent allegations of homosexuality about historical figures.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan police said:

‘Engaging with communities is not optional but a clear business reality upon which the successful policing of London depends. Events like this are an opportunity to increase the trust and the confidence of the LGBT community in the police.’

This of course assumes that these activists represent the so-called ‘LGBT community’, many of whom might prefer to keep their private lives private, and also assumes that getting primary schoolchildren to write sex and swear words on the blackboard is a legitimate objective for the police.