English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


We are now witnessing the spectacle of a High Court application for the judiciary to instruct the government to intervene regarding the detention of 3 foreign detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

The families of the 3 men, who are not British, but who or whose families either do or have previously resided in the UK, have been given permission to petition for a High Court order instructing the Foreign Secretary to press the US to release them.

The judge, Justice Collins, commented that the US’s concept of torture ‘is not the same as ours and doesn’t appear to coincide with that of most civilised countries’.

The applicants are being represented by Gareth Peirce, a so-called human rights solicitor.

The Thatcher era witnessed the phenomenon of the Yuppies. The Blair era has witnessed the phenomenon of so-called human rights lawyers.

Meanwhile, Labour are making a yet another major change to the British constitution, this time on the quiet. The little noticed Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill has been sneaking its way through parliament, until the full implications of it have been rumbled.

The Bill gives the minsters sweeping new powers, including the power to change the divorce laws, introduce house arrest, curtail or abolish jury trial, increase police powers, or even postpone the necessity for a general election at least every 5 years.

Labour are claiming that the Bill is meant to cut red tape and make amending legislation more easy. But it actually enables ministers to amend any Act of Parliament ‘by order’ without the need for a change in the law to be approved by parliament.

Complaints are now starting to pour in.

It is expected that the new powers will be used to speed up the introduction of new laws and regulations from the EU.

Labour are also hoping to use the powers to by-pass parliament and introduce the recommendations of the Law Commission, which is currently recommending that couples who have lived together have the same rights as married couples when they separate [lots of extra legally aided separations, no doubt].

Our democracy is under attack as never before. Labour intend to turn this country into a quangocracy.

Justice Collins has no business taking it upon himself to instruct what the Foreign Secretary might or might not do, especially regarding foreigners. Justice Collins is unelected, unrepresentative and unaccountable.

We need to take control of our country back.