English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Below is a copy of an extract from an article from Christopher Booker’s notebook in the Sunday Telegraph:

Racism in placenames

Ken Perrin runs a construction business in March, Cambridgeshire, and when he needs men to prepare building sites, he advertises through local job centres. Because his workers need transport to the sites, the firm has pick-up points in Peterborough and Chatteris. He therefore specifies that the work is suitable for people living nearby.

Recently, however, Chatteris was dropped from his advertisements. This meant that Mr Perrin received job applications from as far away as Edinburgh and Southampton. Asking for an explanation, he was told by JobCentre Plus Partnerships in Sheffield that by referring to any specific place he could face criminal charges for racial discrimination.

He was warned that "by not wishing to consider jobseekers from a particular geographical area where minority ethnic people may live, you could be leaving yourself open to charges of being in breach of the Race Relations Act 1976". Is there no end to this madness?