English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Sunday, September 10, 2006


‘As TB enters his final phase he needs to be focusing way beyond the finishing line, not looking at it. He needs to go with the crowds wanting more. He should be the star who won’t even play that last encore. In moving towards the end he must focus on the future ...

Needs a daily grid, planned to the last detail. As much as possible a farewell tour, looking to the future, making sure the party is in the right place and the public remember him as he should be.

He needs to embrace open spaces, the arts and businesses, he needs to be seen to be travelling on different forms of transport. He needs to be seen with people who will raise eyebrows.

He needs to travel around the UK to be carefully positioned as someone who while not above politics, is certainly distancing himself from the political village. He should be dropping references in all that he does which reflect his energy and enthusiasm ...

As ever this is not rocket science, we know what works well: strong, policy-focused events which have substance, striking pictures, words from TB and real people involved. But it is essential that we do all we can in our message and planning to ensure that we do not get knocked off by events.’

Lord Gould [Labour nouveau toff and spin doctor] writing in a leaked memo setting out a retirement strategy for Tony Blair in order to promote the ‘triumph of Blairism’:

‘His genuine legacy is not the delivery, important though that is, but the dominance of New Labour ideas ... the triumph of Blairism.’

This strategy includes a ‘farewell tour’, including being pictured at ‘iconic locations’ around the UK and appearances on Blue Peter, Songs of Praise and the Chris Evans radio show.

The memo also states that: ‘Time is not an unlimited commodity’.

Famous last words.

The prospect of Tony Blair’s extended vainglorious departure, with prospects of him kissing babies on Blue Peter and descending from a pulpit on Songs of Praise to a background angelic chorus, was too much for many Labour MPs. They wrote and demanded his immediate departure.

So much for the Blairites’ desire that they not be ‘knocked off by events’.

But the determining factor in this is the worry for many Labour politicians about their prospects in the Scots and Welsh elections to their parliament/assembly next year. In other words, the governance of England is playing second fiddle to the interests of the Scots and Welsh.

To make matters worse, the public brawl which has since erupted is basically a punch up between the Scottish Tony Blair and the Scottish Gordon Brown, who is hell bent on taking over.

The memo includes the statement that:

‘Wales and Scotland - devolution despite the bumpy ride has been a success, TB should embrace this. His profile should be raised in the major urban areas in advance of the elections.’

Devolution might have been a success for Labour in that it has enabled them to rig elections and votes in the House of Commons, but it has been a disaster for England.

It is nauseating to watch this spectacle of these Scottish socialists arguing over who should run England.

Blair’s real legacy is very different to that imagined by his sycophants. Also announced this week was the appointment of ultra-PC Trevor Phillips to the chairmanship of the new so-called Commission for Equalities and Human Rights, which is due to be launched next year. Mr Phillips has already stated:

‘The job of the commission is not simply to be an advocate. There is a deeper point, there is huge demographic change going on in this country. Most of our media, our schools and our workplaces and so on are to some extent geared to the interests of single white men ... The whole point of this is that we need to become a society at ease with out diversity rather than one which asks everyone to behave in a particular way.’

Trevor Phillips, one of Tony’s cronies, was appointed the head the so-called Commission for Racial Equality some years ago on £90,000 a year for a 4 day week. He is now to receive £160,000 a year.

This is Blair’s true legacy: political correctness, race war politics, mass immigration, Muslim terrorism imported into England, rigged elections, a corrupted constitution and Anglophobia.

Future historians will be less fawning over his legacy, and that of Labour, than Blair’s/Labour’s apparatchiks today.