English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Valleys Race Equality Council has issued a leaflet advising that the term ‘British’ is to be avoided. The leaflet’s advice has been accepted by the Caerphilly Council in South Wales.

The leaflet states that:

‘The idea of “British” implies a false sense of unity - many Scots, Welsh and Irish resist being called British and the land denoted by the term contains a wide variety of cultures, languages and religions.’

The leaflet continues to say that the term ‘half-caste’ implies that ‘a person is not whole and so should be avoided’. The term ‘negro’ is described as having ‘racist overtones and is linked with the slave trade’.

Less than 1% of Caerphilly’s 170,000 population are from an ethnic minority.

David Davies, the Tory MP for Monmouth, has condemned the leaflet as ‘political correctness gone mad’ and has further said:

‘Organizations like this are using public money to propagate their own narrow nationalistic ideas. Perhaps they should be replaced by a single body that promotes Britishness and encourages everyone in this country, whether black, Asian or white to unite and stand together under the British flag.’

The motive for the leaflet is not nationalism, but communism. As is plain from the leaflet’s contents, it is striving to achieve disunity and anti-Englishness.

There is nothing wrong in encouraging people to unite under the British flag, but many immigrants do not see themselves as British and what matters is that they are able to integrate into the host community. That is dependent upon the numbers of immigrants involved, which is far too high, and on the difference between the immigrants and the host community.

As a point of fact, the Scots, Welsh, Irish and English are British.

The quango should be closed and not replaced or repackaged. There are more deserving ways of spending taxpayers’ money and we certainly should not be wasting such monies on quangos like this in a deep recession.