English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Sunday, February 22, 2009


A report by Civitas, entitled Music, Chess and Other Sins, has revealed that many of Britain’s 166 Islamic schools are promoting fundamentalism and a rejection, if not hatred, of Western values. Some had website links to sites promoting jihad. Many of the sites were closed down just before the report was published.

Most of the schools are private, although an increasing number are seeking state funding. The Madani Girl’s School in London stated on its website:

‘Our children are exposed to a culture that is in opposition with almost everything Islam stands for. If we oppose the lifestyle of the West then it does not seem sensible that the teachers and the system which represents that lifestyle should educate our children.’

Other websites condemned Harry Potter books, playing chess or cricket and listening to Western music.

Meanwhile, secondary schools have been encouraged to set an exercise for children as young as 11 to imagine the 7/7 bombings in London from the terrorists’ point of view. This is as part of citizenship lessons introduced by Labour, who have now said that the exercises would be withdrawn.

Schools in West Yorkshire, Birmingham, Sandwell and Lancashire are already using the exercises for pupils.

A suggested group exercise requires schoolchildren to ‘prepare a brief presentation on the 7/7 bombings from the perspective of the bombers’ and are asked to summarize the ‘reasons … for the actions of the London bombers’.

Chris McGovern, director of the History Curriculum Association said:

‘In my view, this is extremely dangerous. Asking pupils to empathize with terrorists may lead to sympathy, and sympathy begins to lead to justification. You begin to glamorise it - it’s disastrous.

This shows how out of touch the education establishment is with the rest of society.’

Sail Suleman, Calderdale’s hate crime co-ordinator [apparently there is such a thing] and author of the advice pack for the exercises, said:

‘Why do young people go out and do what the bombers did? Was it pressure from individuals they were hanging out with? Hopefully, we’ll encourage pupils to stay away from those individuals.’

How Muslim children are educated in their own private schools is, within reason, their business. There is no reason for the state to fund such extremist schools, however. Muslims are entitled to maintain their own culture, as the English might wish to maintain their’s in their own ex-pat communities around the world - and in England. The problem is when the Muslim minority becomes extremist, and the sheer weight of numbers. It is the violence and intolerance of the extremism, and the scale of immigration that is the problem. Coupled with the multiculturalization of England that encourages the minority to demand the abolition of any concept of the English national culture.

This is compounded when the state itself is promoting a rejection of Western values, both in the crass exercises now being used across England and in political correctness. Schoolchildren do not need to speculate as to why the 7/7 terrorists committed their atrocities. They told us why [see the English Rights Campaign item dated 28 September 2005].