English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Lord Mandelson has claimed that East European immigration had not had ‘an adverse effect on the employment of British nationals’. He further said:

‘I think it’s important to note that the nationals coming here from the original eight new accession countries are helping to fill gaps in our labour market our British nationals are either not available to fill or are unwilling to fill.

There are jobs available for British nationals despite the circulation of workers that has resulted from EU enlargement.’

Paul Kenny of the GMB union commented:

‘Peter Mandelson is given to making sweeping statements about the UK labour market and how it operates. Unfortunately, most of his statements turn out to be sweeping with no foundation in fact.’

The real point here is that Labour have abolished the British labour market. In a properly functioning labour market a shortage of workers would lead to an increase in wages in order to attract more workers. Likewise a surplus of workers would tend to depress wages. Under Labour, Britain has been flooded with immigrants from across the globe and this huge surge in low skilled workers is pushing down wages. Further skilled and unskilled immigration from the EU countries is further pushing down wages.

If firms can hire cheaper workers from abroad, or fill perceived shortages with immigrants, then the normal market corrective mechanism does not operate. Rising unemployment and falling living standards are the direct and inevitable result of Labour policy.