English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Apparently it is Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender History Month. This has given rise to a reworking of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

Pupils aged 14 to 16 at Leystonstone School staged a play called Romeo and Julian, a gay version of Shakespeare’s play. In addition to the obvious changes, two of the original characters, Mercutio and Benvolio, were reimagined as women. It would seem that drama teacher, Jo Letson, had re-written the play to challenge ‘homophobia and homophobic bullying’.

Harriet Harman responded to a demand by Philip Davies for a parliamentary debate on political correctness by saying:

‘I seem to remember that in Shakespearean times, boys would play girls and girls would play boys and the whole point was trying to work out which was which. There is going to be a debate next Thursday about new equality legislation so we can ensure everybody in this country is treated with fairness, respect and not subject to prejudice and discrimination - and indeed cheap shots from you.’

Professor Stanley Wells, chairman of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, said:

‘This seems to be another way for pupils and teachers to see meaning in the plays. It is a legitimate exercise to find meanings for modern audiences in the myths and legends of the past - especially if it helps people to understand each other.’

Headmaster, Luke Burton, has described the pupils’ efforts as ‘inspirational’. A school spokesman said:

'The play is just one example of the varied and creative ways schools are tackling issues of prejudice and bullying.’

It is nauseating that the Loony Left pick on children and seek to exploit supposed oppressed minorities for their own ends. They seek to caricature society as prejudiced whereas they are enlightened. In fact, it is they who are prejudiced and the bullies, and they seek to encourage if not impose a hatred of society.