English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Tuesday's terrorist atrocities in Brussels, in which more than 30 people were killed and numerous more were injured, is a tragic demonstration of the evil of political correctness. That creed's impact goes well beyond the terminology used to report and discuss the terrorism and the rise of extremist Islam in Europe.


The development, complexity and strident ideology of political correctness is set out in the book The Genesis of Political Correctness: The Basis of a False Morality (available from CreateSpace,  Kindle, and Amazon)


In the last few weeks there has been an increasingly shrill and violent assertion of political correctness both in Europe and the USA. Donald Trump, who has dared to call for an end to Muslim immigration until the USA can get a grip of its immigration problems, has been denounced as racist. The usual name calling has surfaced. Apparently, his tone was insensitive. Even the Republican party grandees say so, as well has his rival candidates. His rallies, which have drawn large crowds of supporters, have been marred with demonstrations and violence. The Yobbo Left have been out in force and the Snooty Left have been condemning Trump for provoking them.


In Britain, we are continuously told that it is only a matter of time before IS terrorists strike in Britain. Quite why an island off Europe should be an arena for Muslim terrorism is not explained. The reason is because the ruling British Ponzi class refuse to secure the borders, and refuse to stop promoting mass immigration despite unswerving public hostility to that policy.


The EU, having made a total mess of the immigrant invasion in 2015 has successfully pushed to give Turkey a lot of money and pushed to extend visa free travel to all Turks. This is at a time when IS is boasting that it has been infiltrating its members into the stream of immigrants pouring across Europe. Given that 13% of Turks do not regard IS as terrorist (more than one million people), and given the high percentage of Muslims who support Sharia and other anti-Western beliefs, it is hypocritical of the EU and the Ponzi class to condemn attacks when they have done so much to help terrorists get into the EU and done so much to promote mass immigration. Britain, as well as other EU countries, has allowed jihadists to freely travel to Syria and return when it suits them. Angela Merkel's offer of German residence to any Syrian getting to Germany sparked the immigrant invasion. At least one million immigrants have swamped Germany and millions more are on the way.


The point is that the politically correct Wet Liberals do not see it as their role to defend the national interest, but to denigrate the national culture and to transfer power to supranational and international institutions and organizations. This lack of patriotism is fatal to opposing IS. The communist politically correct welcome the inflow of those hostile to the West as a means of destroying Western society and intend to use immigrants to supplement class war politics with race war politics. For the communists, the jihadist terrorism is simply a prelude to a communist revolution.


Chatter about standing together and of a need to integrate terrorists is irrelevant. Such is an attempt to hide the truth and to transfer responsibility for the terrorism onto the victims.


David Cameron, in January 2013, told the House of Commons:  'We are in the midst of a generational struggle against an ideology which is an extreme distortion of Islamic faith, and which holds that mass murder and terror area not only acceptable but necessary. We must tackle this poisonous thinking at home and abroad and resist the ideologues' attempt to divide the world into a clash of civilisations'. Again, in The Telegraph in August 2014, Cameron wrote: 'We are in the middle of a generational struggle against a poisonous and extremist ideology which I believe we will be fighting for the rest of my political life'. He continued: 'But it is not an invincible one, as long as we are now ready and able to summon up the political will to defend our own values and way of life with the same determination, courage and tenacity as we have faced danger before in our history'.


The US President Barrack Obama said 'Ideologies are not defeated by guns. They're defeated with better ideas – a more attractive and compelling vision. This larger battle for hearts and minds is going to be a generational struggle' (The Guardian 6th July 2015).


More recently, in a memo about Britain in March 2016, Nils Muiznieks, the Latvian so-called human rights commissioner of the Council of Europe, declared that  'Regrettably, throughout his public speeches the prime minister has used the term “illegal migrants” which carries stigmatising connotations', and went on to condemn 'alarmist rhetoric' and 'the language of criminalization', before demanding that Britain take more immigrants from Syria.


We need to be alert to these attempts to normalise illegal immigration and terrorism. Lorry loads of illegal immigrants disembarking in Britain are pictured in The Daily Mail today. The government continues to refuse to secure the borders. Chatter of a 'generational struggle' is a useful term to distract attention away from the importation of Muslim terrorism into Britain and Europe. It is an attempt to sideline the issue of border controls. It should be noted that Cameron was saying we needed to defend 'our own values and way of life' and not defend out borders.


When the Mahdi and his followers killed General Gordon in 1885, the Gladstone government did not prattle about a 'generational struggle'.  The Dervishes met their fate at the Battle of Omdurman in 1898, when the Anglo-Egyptian army took back The Sudan. There was never any question of the Dervishes rampaging in Britain itself. There has been extremist Islam in the Middle East for centuries. This is not a 'generational struggle'. The problem now is that Middle Eastern extremism is being imported into Britain, and the solution is to stop that importation.


What is needed is a forthright rejection of the ideology of political correctness and the removal from power of those who adhere to it. We need to confront the politically correct hate preachers as well as the Islamist hate preachers. The fight between patriotism and political correctness is the fight between good and evil. It is as clear cut as that.