English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Sunday, March 13, 2005


A report from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has highlighted the damage done to the traditional family and the institution of marriage by Labour. Families are now subject to the highest incremental tax burden in the world.

A single wage married couple is subject to a 70% tax rate on every extra £1 earned above the average wage (£20,079) once tax credits are taken into account. As earnings increase the tax credits are withdrawn and higher income tax and national insurance contributions have to be paid.

For single people, the incremental tax rate is only 33%.

The comparable figures for married couples in the US is only 45%, Japan 20%, France 21% and Germany 46%.

Other countries do allow married couples to share their tax allowances unlike the UK, where married couples are penalised.

This report coincides with yet another which highlights that only 11% of young women wanted to put their children into nursery while continuing to work full time and 67% believed that men should be the main provider in a family if possible. 25% wanted to give up work altogether, while 65% wanted to work part time due to financial pressures.

Yet it is government policy to increase those financial pressures by increasing taxation to pay for nursery care. Labour should stop trying to nationalise the family, and should instead make tax allowances fully transferrable between married couples and let them decide for themselves how they wish to raise a family.

Instead of evolving policies which suit the interests of the people, Labour is social engineering and trying to adopt the people in order to suit their own neo-communist theories.

It was the policy of various communist sects in the 1970s and 1980s for the state to bring up children. This policy has now been adopted by all 3 main political parties.