English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


The so-called Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) has called for racial discrimination in favour of black pupils and teachers.

Trevor Philips has been impressed by the results of one study in the USA where the segregation of black boys into their own classes has resulted with an improvement in their educational performance, and has now called for segregation in the UK. Trevor Philips is also calling for extra pay for black teachers in order to attract them into the profession and so become a role model for young black boys.

Headteachers and others have attacked the recommendation as being counter-productive if not illegal.

The differences in educational performance are not a matter of race, although the CRE might want to make it one. Children from an Asian background, where family ties are stronger, do better at school and it is that fact which should be taken into consideration, rather than trying to twist the issue into one of race. White children from broken families can underachieve as well.

It is to be noted that Trevor Philips has not called for a change in the law to reinforce marriage.

The CRE does not take into account the impact of pro-black discrimination on the English host population, or consider what might be in their interests.

Others might conclude that this is evidence that the multi-cultural experiment is a failure, and that it should be abandoned.