English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Far from opposing the socialist concept of the nationalisation of the family, the Conservatives have decided to try and convince the voters that their own version of it is preferable to the Labour version.

To that end, Michael Howard has announced that the Conservatives will introduce more generous welfare payments to young mothers . This will include payments to the relatives of young mothers who go out to work of up to £50 per week per child who they look after.

Labour insist that the children are looked after only by state-registered child minders.

The Conservatives also intend to introduce childcare ‘refresher’ courses for grandparents who want to look after other people’s children, and will also continue the Labour plans to provide 8am to 6pm after-school clubs where parents can leave their children. Sports centres and church halls would also be made available to take over the care of children under the Conservative proposals.

The Conservatives also intend to offer grants to businesses which set up creches.

All of this is despite the repeated evidence that mothers prefer to bring up their own children and that they are forced out to work due to punitive levels of tax on the family.

Quite why the Conservatives believe that their own vision of a socialist state is preferable to the Labour vision is unknown.