English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Tony Blair has accused the Conservatives of planning to cut government spending. He has alleged that the Conservatives plan to cut £35billion from the NHS, education etc (as if those were the only departments which spend government money - in fact the largest slice of the £519billion of government spending goes on ‘Social Protection’ - ie welfare - and only £90billion is spent on the NHS and £68billion on education).

The Conservatives point out that the difference between their plans and the Labour plans, is that they intend to increase government spending by 4% each year whereas Labour intend to increase it by 5%.

The Conservatives are outraged at the Labour lie. As if they would cut government spending, even after all these years of a Labour government. As if they would even contemplate such a thing!

And why not?

Since coming to power in 1997, Labour has created 111 new quangos at an annual cost of £6.5billion a report from the Centre for Policy Studies has revealed. Then there is the UK government gross contribution to the EU which is in the region of £12billion per annum. There is the Scottish subsidy of roughly £10billion per annum. The Conservatives have themselves highlighted that the asylum system is costing £3billion per annum.

Those 4 items alone total £31.5billion, and that is before we take a look at the subsidy to Wales, the cost of the Politically Correct Industry (PCI), or any efficiency savings - such as the closure of the Scottish and Welsh offices.

All of this is in fact paid for by the English (which will be fully examined in the near future).

Then there is the saving in social security payments if mass immigration is ended and we utilise British labour instead. There are the extra tax revenues which would flow from a more prosperous British industry when it is freed from the EU red tape (the total cost to the UK of membership of the EU has been estimated to be in excess of £30billion), or the extra revenues which would be created once we are free from the EU Common Fisheries Policy and we once again regain control of our own waters for our own fishermen and extend our territorial waters to a 200 mile limit as do all other countries.

The Conservatives should be promising to cut government spending, not by closing hospitals, but by reversing the socialist/neo-communist agenda.

Regrettably, they are too wet to do that.