English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Friday, March 18, 2005


Desmond Browne, the government immigration minister, has recently revealed that only 1 in 15 failed asylum seekers are deported. Out of 62,700 asylum seekers whose applications failed, only 4,100 were actually deported.

Some of those whose application failed went on to make further appeals.

This should be set against the recent Channel 4 debate (last Saturday evening) about immigration. After being repeatedly told that the audience had been selected by a national pollster (which should have alerted the more cynical to what was coming), that audience voted by a large majority that the government had not lost control of immigration.

Apparently allowing in electricians with no fingers and not deporting failed asylum seekers is all quite OK to a Channel 4 audience.

During the debate, not even those speaking against the government policy referred to the fact that the English will be a racial minority in this country before the end of the century, if not within 50 years. Nor did they draw attention to the millions of people who are unemployed, on incapacity benefit, or otherwise economically inactive (eg they have taken early retirement - voluntarily or otherwise).

Instead, all parties preferred to spout inanities such as: ‘we are a nation of immigrants’. This is complete bunkum. This country, in its natural state is an emigrant country, not an immigrant country.

The real case against mass immigration was not put.