English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Labour’s recent grandstanding over Africa, with the report of the Commission for Africa calling for an extra $25billion of aid per annum and the cancellation of all African countries’ debts, has coincided with the revelation that the life expectancy in Zimbabwe has halved since Mugabe came to power.

The average Zimbabwean can expect to live to only 33 years - down from 63 years under Ian Smith when the country was Rhodesia (when the country then had the highest life expectancy in sub Saharan Africa). At that time it was the breadbasket of Africa, whereas now it is another Marxist basket case.

Zimbabwe’s plight has been worsened if not caused by the invasions of white owned farms and land grabbing. Some of the best farms and land have been taken by Mugabe and his henchmen.

Rhodesia had been subject to international sanctions, whereas Zimbabwe has received large amounts of foreign aid.

The lesson of this paradox is lost on Labour and Tony Blair - and nearly all liberal opinion too for that matter.

The USA has reportedly distanced itself from the latest report calling for more aid for Africa, and other countries are showing a distinct lack of enthusiasm too. The USA is opposed to any automatic cancellation of debt and the British proposals were rejected at the G7 summit last month.

Zimbabwe is incontrovertible proof of the benefits of British rule in Africa and the damage done by Marxist dictatorships.