English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Monday, June 20, 2005


‘Britain is engaged in a full-scale war with the Taliban government of Afghanistan. Yet hundreds of our own citizens, young British Muslims born and bred here, have volunteered to fight for our enemy.

Already, it has been reported that six have been killed, and according to the hardline group Al-Muhajiroun there are ‘thousands’ more willing to die for the cause of Islam in the battle against the Allies.

And regardless of such militants, there also appears to be little support for the anti-Taliban campaign among the younger generation of Muslims who have been educated here and who choose Britain as their home.

Indeed, an opinion poll by an Asian radio station, Sunrise, showed yesterday that 98% of Muslims in London under the age of 45 would not fight for Britain, while 48% said they would take up arms for Osama Bin Laden.

This anti-British mindset carries with it two deeply depressing conclusions.

First, it gives the widespread impression that all Muslims are hotheads and could create a backlash against the majority who certainly do not share the anti-British view of this minority.

Second, it is a terrible indictment of the policy of multiculturalism, which has allowed extremism to flourish and which has failed to generate any feelings of national allegiance among some of our biggest ethnic minorities.’

Manzoor Moghal, writing in October 2001

The Sunrise opinion poll was not the only one at that time (just after 9/11) which highlighted the extent of the anti-British hostility in the Muslim population. An opinion poll in the Sunday Times revealed that 40% of Muslims believed that Bin Laden was justified in fighting a war against the USA, and a similar percentage believed that those British Muslims who chose to fight with the Taliban were right to do so.

A subsequent opinion poll by ICM revealed that 57% of Muslims disagreed with Tony Blair’s assertion that the war was not a war against Islam and 80% opposed the war in Afghanistan.

Such anti-British views were not confined to the opinion polls. One extremist, Abdul Haq, who was speaking on behalf of the Al-Muhajiroun organisation on the Jimmy Young Show, stated that: ‘When you are bombing the people of Afghanistan, you are attacking my land and my brothers and my sisters. If I was capable of fighting I would like to go.’ He further stated: ‘What the West have failed to realise is that our identities are not based on nationality, they are based on belief.’ He dismissed democracy as ‘just the civilised face of dictatorship’.

Haq was quite open that his aim was to bring about a world Islamic state and he intended seeing the Islamic flag flying over Downing Street.

Few could forget the shameful Question Time programme immediately after the 9/11 attacks. It was so bad that the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation was forced to issue an apology. The panel consisted of Lord Ashdown (the former Lib Dem leader), Phil Lader (a former US ambassador), Tam Dalyell (a Labour MP) and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (a Marxist). Tory and Labour frontbench MPs were disallowed, and the audience had been selected as a result of replies to questions as to their opinions about the USA rather than being a randomly selected. The programme attracted widespread criticism, although Yasmin Alibhai-Brown described it as ‘a really good, thoughtful programme’.

It was not only idle talk and bravado that blighted the UK at that time. 10 days after the 9/11 attacks, 17 year old Ross Parker was attacked and killed by 3 Asian thugs in Peterborough, for no other reason than he was white. He was unknown to his attackers. The ringleader, having attacked Ross Parker so violently that he had almost been decapitated, then held up the knife and said: ‘Look at this. Cherish the blood.’ The 3 Asians were convicted of murder. Peterborough, like Oldham, has anti-white no-go areas.

There have been other anti-white racist attacks and killings since, but these are not as dramatically nor persistently reported as the Stephen Lawrence murder. One cannot imagine why.

This last week Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed has urged Muslims to kill kaffirs (non-Muslims). In reference to the US embassy he said: ‘We’re going to incite people to do jihad, incite people to hate the new pharaoh (President Bush). Why not do more? Maybe take over the embassy’.

In reference to kaffirs, Bakri said: ‘Wherever they are killed I feel happy’.

It is against this background that Labour has decided to press ahead with its new law outlawing incitement to religious hatred. This law had been promised to the Muslim pressure groups before the election in an attempt to get votes from those Muslims disenchanted with Labour as a result of the Iraq war.

Muslim pressure groups have been very adept at taking on the role of victims since 9/11, claiming that Muslims are victims of ‘Islamophobia’. Labour is now making good its shoddy promise. Those convicted of inciting religious hatred can expect to be jailed for up to 7 years. The proposals have attracted widespread denunciation.

Be there no doubt, the law is designed to appease Muslim pressure groups. There is no call for it from anyone else. It is, and is intended to be, an erosion of free speech. The recently knighted Sir Iqbal Sacranie, in reference to any discussion as to the number of Muslims in the UK who support Islamic terrorism, has stated: ‘There is no such thing as an Islamic terrorist. This is deeply offensive. Saying Muslims are terrorists would be covered by this provision’.

This new law is another perfect example of the underlying neo-communist nature of political correctness. It portrays the Muslims as victims, it feeds Muslim antagonism against the host population, it undermines English culture, and completely debunks Christianity.

It is one thing for a Christian society to tolerate and respect minority religions, it is quite another to equate religions as being equally valid. Muslims account for only 3% of the population. Those who are genuine Christians believe that Christianity is the truth. The truth cannot be equated with untruths.

The new law treats Christianity the same as Rastafarianism, Satanism, devil-worship, witchcraft, paganism, agnostics, atheists, and presumably Jedi knights - as well as any and every other religion conceivable.

Even without this law, there has already been convictions for ‘religiously aggravated threatening behaviour’, under the provisions of the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act. Not long after the 9/11 attacks, 2 neighbours got into an argument in Exeter. One of those, Alistair Scott was arrested, charged and convicted on 3 counts of religiously aggravated threatening behaviour as a result of a complaint from Mohammed Hudaib. Both men had been abusive and Mr Hudaib had shouted that 9/11 had been a great day, that Osama Bin Laden was a great man and all Americans deserved to die. Mr Hudaib admitted that he ‘could have said that Osama Bin Laden was a great man and that all Americans deserved to die and are stupid’. Mr Hudaib was neither arrested nor charged.

One of the most outrageous examples of the British Inquisition was the arrest of Robin Page who made the following remark at a country fair: ‘If there is a black, vegetarian, Muslim, asylum-seeking, one-legged, lesbian lorry driver present, then you may be offended at what I am going to say, as I want the same rights that you have got already’. For daring to make this joke, the police even advertised that they would ‘like to hear from anyone who was upset by the commentary’. In this case, the charges were ultimately dropped.

Be there no mistake, if this new law is introduced then there will be an increase in similar arrests and even convictions. The British Inquisition has acquired far too much power and momentum. The history of multiculturalism and of Labour’s race war politics speaks for itself.

This illegitimate Labour government is pouring fuel onto the flames of Islamic extremism.