English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Friday, June 03, 2005


‘Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything’.


There are continuing comments that the EU commission and its technocrats, as well as the EU fanatics in general, have not grasped the significance of the recent ‘No’ votes in France and Holland.

It is, however, increasingly obvious that it is the EU sceptics and realists who have lost the plot. It is they who are having trouble grasping reality.

Under an obscure clause in the treaty, Declaration 30, the new EU constitution can be referred back to the European Council for ‘review’ if 20 out of the 25 EU states ratify the treaty. The treaty cannot be killed off by a ‘No’ vote in only 2 countries. That is a fact, and it is one which the president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso (le grand fromage himself), has been openly and repeatedly pointing out - as have many other technocrats and EU fanatics.

Past rejections of treaties have been by-passed and the EU technocrats intend to by-pass these latest rejections if they can. They will merely count the number of countries who ratify the treaty, instead of the number of those who rejected the treaty in the recent referendums.

It is therefore becoming increasingly apparent that the UK must be allowed to vote on the constitution itself as soon as possible. The EU sceptics and realists must not be complacent and allow themselves to be outwitted and outmanoeuvred yet again.