English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Monday, August 08, 2005


Despite the recent terrorist attacks in London(istan), Cherie Blair remains unrepentant regarding so-called human rights legislation and the extent of the political correctness of the judiciary.

Mrs Blair is herself a part-time judge. She was speaking to 1,000 Muslim lawyers and academics in Malaysia as part of a lecture tour.

Regarding the London blasts, Mrs Blair said:

‘It is all too easy for us to respond to such terror in a way which undermines commitment to our most deeply held values and convictions and which cheapens our right to call ourselves a civilised nation.

Were it otherwise, it would not have been necessary for the Islamic Human Rights Commission to have warned London Muslims after the attacks to stay at home for fear of reprisals.

Our institutions are under threat, our commitments to our deepest values are under pressure, our acceptance of difference and others is at a low point.’

Mrs Blair added that the courts had to act, ‘as guardians of the weakest, poorest and most marginalised members of society against the hurly-burly of majoritarian politics.’

Mrs Blair cited the detention of so-called asylum seekers who had been detained as terrorist suspects in Belmarsh prison, which the judges had ruled was unlawful and which led to the release of those foreign terrorist suspects into England. The Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act of 2001 was ruled to be in breach of the European Convention of Human Rights.

It should be remembered that in overturning the above legislation regarding the Belmarsh detainees, Lord Hoffman pronounced:

‘The real threat to the life of the nation... comes not from terrorism but from laws such as these.’

This is of course a very easy thing for a Law Lord to say, given that he is most unlikely to be found on a bus or a tube train.

Mrs Blair’s term ‘majoritarian’ is a revelation and shows how the socialist mentality works. The majority are of course the English. She is more concerned about the ‘rights’ of so-called asylum seekers and terrorist suspects to enter this country.

Since Labour is a minority government, gaining only 36% of the vote and relying on Scottish and Welsh MPs for their parliamentary majority in the governance of England, it is hardly surprising that Mrs Blair thinks the majority vote is beneath her.

As we know, with socialists, some people are more equal than others - and some votes count for more than others.