English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


‘We’ve seldom had bleaker weeks than this. First there’s an Education Bill so diluted it is an insult to every child in the country.

Then another pensions crisis leaves tens of thousands of savers with next to nothing.

Finally, a scandal over party funding makes Blair’s chum Berlusconi look almost saintly be comparison.

The PM has been rightly savaged by his own side. And with so much blood in the water, what do the Tories do? They jump in and act like they’re swimming with dolphins.

Education Bill? We agree. Iraq? Well done. Dodgy loans? Us, too. Peerages for sale? Ditto. Pensions? Silence.

There’s simply no point calling them an Opposition Party any more. They don’t deserve the title. As their collapsing poll ratings show, the Tories are as limp as a motorway service station salad.

“Dave” Cameron puts an end to Punch and Judy politics and all he’s left with is Judy Garland and a band of sweet but gormless do-gooders hopelessly lost in the wilderness.

David Willets was so nice to Pensions Minister Margaret Hodge on BBC1's Question Time on Thursday night that it was like being licked to death by a pet guinea pig.

David Dimbleby used to sit between Labour and Tory adversaries for their own safety. Now it’s to stop them hugging. Small wonder the biggest cheer of the night went to one member of the audience who attacked the consensus politics that have left Britain so devoid of true debate.

As for Cameron, his idea of leadership is to announce in this crucial week that he will drink only Fair Trade tea and will send his new son to a state school.

That’s the worst kind of gesture politics Dave. And the gesture is two fingers up at the British people.’

Amanda Platell [former Tory press secretary], writing in the Daily Mail.

The mantra that people have ‘got to vote Tory to get Labour out’ no longer applies, assuming it ever did. People have not voted Tory and are not voting Tory.

As for ‘Dave’ Cameron and his Fair Trade tea - words fail.

It is a good job that there is an English Democrats Party.

We have to look to the future and not the past.