English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Thursday, May 05, 2016



A guy just won the Republican nomination for president by spending no money, hiring no pollsters, running virtually no TV ads, and just saying what he truly believed no matter how many times people told him he couldn't say that.

I always hoped I'd see this once before I died. It's like to going to Mecca, for Americans. Pay attention, because it's the last time we're going to see it in our lifetimes.

For those of you not yet on the Trump Train, I know you don't want to vote for Hillary, but all the pundits have been trying to convince you that Trump's a complete fraud. (That was between their smug assurances that he wouldn't make it out of Iowa.)

It's odd. When Trump launched his campaign by talking about Mexican rapists and the wall, his critics hysterically denounced him, rushing to TV to say he did NOT represent the Republican Party! Only after it became resoundingly clear that large majorities of Americans agreed with Trump did his critics try a new tack: He doesn't believe it!


I'm bitter and cynical enough on immigration that I don't trust anyone not to betray us. But if there was ever a candidate we could believe will build a wall and stop the mass importation of the Third World, it's Trump. 

Ann Coulter writing on her website.

There have been a number of experts on British television commenting on The Donald these last few weeks, including one ex-ambassador who assured the viewers that The Donald would revert to a more sound set of policies once he had secured the nomination; that all that talk of the Wall and such things would be quietly dropped; that Muslims would in fact be freely admitted into the USA undisturbed. We shall see.

Other pundits have still been condemning The Donald for not being a proper Conservative. One Republican was on Newsnight yesterday defiantly declaring that he would not vote Republican, citing the prospective deportation of 11 million illegal immigrants, not allowing Muslims to enter the USA, the danger of a trade war with Mexico and China, etc., and that Trump was a 'populist demagogue'. One wonders if these experts even know what a Conservative is? They are trapped by their own political correctness and they do not even see it. They have accepted political correctness as the basis of morality.

Breaking that mindset will be a difficult but necessary prerequisite for overturning the neo-Marxist ideology that political correctness is. It should be noted that it has been ordinary people who have been so supportive of The Donald, and the 'experts' who have been blinded to reality.