English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


'A number of MPs have used the term “divorce”. I prefer not to use that term with regard to the European Union, because often, when people get divorced, they do not have a good relationship afterwards. MPs need to stop looking at this as simply coming out of the European Union and see the opportunity for building a new relationship with the European Union, as that is what we will be doing.'
Theresa May speaking recently.

In the EU referendum we did not vote to stay in the EU while we might negotiate with them to build 'a new relationship with the European Union'. That was not even on the ballot paper.

We definitely did not vote to remain in the EU 'as we negotiate a new deep and special partnership with the European Union' – to quote the Forward, written by Theresa May, of the White Paper for the Great Repeal Bill, as it is called. That was not on the ballot paper either.

Nor did we vote to ask the EU's permission to leave. We voted to leave. Why have we not done so?