English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Monday, August 15, 2005


The editor of a local free paper in Scotland called ‘North East Weekly’ has been charged under Section 19 of the Public Order Act, which gives the police powers to arrest and charge people for: publishing or distributing written material that is threatening, abusive, or insulting and that is intended to stir up racial hatred or by which, in the circumstances, racial hatred is likely to be stirred up.

The editor, Mr Alan Buchan, who is also the owner of the paper, published an article entitled, ‘Perverts and Refugees’, relating to Labour plans to build a new centre for the detention of asylum seekers and also a new prison. The article attracted one complaint to the police.

The article says:

‘The people of rural England have been in massive rebelling (sic) over the establishment of refugee centres holding upwards of 5,000 immigrants because they were fully aware that their communities would be swamped and turned into cesspools.

As a result the government has abandoned its plans for England and now could be looking at a refugee complex of over 5,000 and a prison unit of 800 for Buchan.

The reason that the people of rural England have reject (sic) this is that they know their communities would be turned into ghettos where murder, rape, robbery, assault, break-ins and numerous other crimes became prevalent.’

This police action is in contrast to the police openly tolerating, if not offering financial assistance to, those Muslim extremists who have been excusing/condoning terrorism elsewhere in the UK.

It is wholly wrong that British people cannot express their views relating to mass immigration without fear of prosecution from the police. It can never be the case that only views which the government and its agencies approve of are the only ones which are allowed. Such would be tantamount to the abolition of a free society.

It is to be noted that there was an attempt to hack into this blog and delete the item entitled ‘Multiculturalism and Islamophobia’ dated the 2 August. That item primarily consisted of quotations from a manifesto written by Muslims for the self-appointed Muslim Parliament of Britain. That manifesto is available to users of the internet to this day and has attracted no criticism, let alone threats of criminal prosecution, despite its contents and its supremacist ideology.

The English Rights Campaign is not in the business of debating the merits of Islam. But the recent terrorist bombings in London(istan) are matters which cannot be ignored, and that includes an assessment of the reasons for those acts of terrorism.

The English Rights Campaign will continue to advance the English patriotic cause and continue to oppose those matters relating to neo-communism and political correctness, irrespective of whether or not that meets with the approval of the British ruling class or its agencies.