English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Monday, August 08, 2005


The latest example of the damage resulting from Labour’s policy of mass immigration is the scandal of British doctors being unable to find employment.

As a result of changes to the training system for doctors, called Modernising Medical Careers, there has been a fall in the number of places in the middle training grade of roughly 50%, at the same time as the number of places in medical schools has increased, leading to around 5,300 newly trained doctors emerging every year who are seeking middle training grade positions. It is these newly trained junior doctors who cannot find places in the NHS for the middle training grade posts.

Up to 2,000 of such people are now believed to be unemployed, while the NHS continues to recruit foreign doctors to fill places.

This is typical of a socialist centrally planned bureaucracy such as the NHS, and is a perfect example as to why that organisation should be denationalised. It is one of the hallmarks of socialist command economies that there are shortages and bottlenecks. This is intrinsic to socialism.

Furthermore, these junior doctors have cost roughly £237,000 to train over a period of 6 years. Many still have substantial debts which they are struggling to repay. One such person is Melissa Marlow, who has debts of £50,000 and is now unemployed.

This would be laughable, were it not so serious. The NHS continues to suffer staff shortages and continues to recruit personnel from the Third World, and yet is rejecting home grown applicants. The impact of the poaching of Third World health staff was recently highlighted by the both the British Medical Association and the Royal College of Nursing in a press release:

‘BMA chairman Mr James Johnson and RCN General Secretary Dr Beverly Malone warn that the migration of healthcare workers from developing nations is not only claiming millions of lives, but also preventing the world’s poorest people from escaping poverty.’

For all Mr Blair’s grandstanding at the G8 summit about solving poverty in Africa, he is not interested if it involves him abandoning the policy of mass immigration.

There is nothing compassionate about mass immigration at all. It is fatally harmful to 'millions' of those living in the Third World, and is against the interests of the people of this country.