English Rights Campaign

to defend the rights and interests of the English nation

Monday, April 03, 2006


While controversy surrounding the budget deficits in the NHS continues, and the quiet rejection by Labour of recent reports calling for better and fairer treatment of the elderly, a recent report by Ernst & Young highlights the extent to which Labour are plundering the economy.

The overall tax bill has increased by £219billion since Labour came to power. That is equivalent to £9,000 for every household. Tax revenues are expected to reach £490billion compared to £271billion in 1997.

In reference to the level of taxation, Peter Young of Ernst & Young commented:

‘It’s at an all-time high and we are hitting uncharted waters.’

Analysis by Grant Thornton has also revealed that revenue from income tax will be £145billion this year compared to £69billion in 1996-97. This is a 109% increase.

Yet still defence is being cut, and still the NHS is in a state of crisis, and still our old people are malnourished in care homes while the state seizes their houses.

This is socialism in practice.